

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

Vectors helps UI creators make their work aviable on more resolutions.

It allows you to precisely set positions and zoom of UI windows and attach windows to each other (e.g. buff tracker addon window to a unit frame addon window).

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

1.0.4alphaIdrinth Thalui2978
1.0.3alphaIdrinth Thalui350
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