

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

ResHelp 1.0
"Helps ressurecting fallen players, It puts dead players in a list when hoovering/targeting them or if you are within range and they type the /rez emote
first click on the name in the list will attempt targeting them, and subsequential clicks attemts ressing them with your ressurect ability.

Players are removed from the list if:
*They are too far away
*They have been ressed by someone else (over 0 HP)
*They have another pending ressurect on them
*The timer have run out (Green ring around the icon)

so sometimes /rez does help :P
last updated: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 10:07:00 +0000 | written by:

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

1.1.0alphaChanged to a new formula due to clients added restrictions, but with same functionalitySullemunk2507
1.0.0alphaInitial releaseSullemunk561
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