
CombatUI Mod

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

As a replacement for wsct and the base text an aggregated combat text. This should be very performant.
  • /sct color outgoing:healing 255 0 0 - set outgoing healing to red, incoming and heals work equivalently
  • /sct frequency 1.5 - aggregate over 1.5s and display that long
  • /sct toggle outgoing:heal - dis-/enable channel
  • /sct lowerlimit:hit 5 - filter out all hits below 5 damage
  • /sct lowerlimit:aggregated 5 - filter out all aggregattes below 5 damage
  • /sct moving - toggle moving parts

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

1.2.0alphaadds optional moving parts for longer display durations. command movingIdrinth Thalui2360
1.1.1alphadisable original combat textIdrinth Thalui330
1.1.0alphaadd minimum damage limits and channel toggleIdrinth Thalui225
1.0.0alphaIdrinth Thalui195
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