

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

A Tome of Knowledge companion addon.

Tome Titan is the compiled information of Bestiary, History & Lore, and Noteworthy Persons sections of your Tome of Knowledge.

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

Tome Titan - (Alles was es in der Welt so zu entdecken gibt, steht hier drin)
2.3.1alphaIdrinth Thalui1629
2.1.23alphafixes to .mod fileIdrinth Thalui1745
2.1.22alphaIdrinth Thalui441
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