

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

Left Click: Removes A Standard Bearer, Right Click: Sets You As A Standard Bearer
last updated: Sun, 02 Jul 2017 16:22:43 +0000 | written by:

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

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Fri, 20 Mar 2020 07:45:58 +0000

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Linksklick entfernt die Standarten bei Mitgliedern die off*ne sind und rechtsklick teilt einem selbst eine Standarte zu