

Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

A simple warhammer online addon which makes it easier for warband and siege leaders to communicate with their followers by broadcasting text sequences into chat.


    * type /wlh show to open the addon
    * type /wlh config to open the addons configuration dialog
    * Leftclick on a message label to broadcast the message to the warband (/wb) channel
    * Rightclick on a message label to broadcast the message to the region (/1) channel

    * Click on a countdown label to start a countdown with the noted time, click it again to abort the countdown.

    * Click on a "ZONE" message label to dynamically select a zone. $Z in a message text will be replaced with the selected zone.

    * Click on a "LFM" message to specify the role you are looking for or choose AUTO mode to search for missing roles based on your current warband automatically.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.


Please remember to keep info in regards to HOW an addon works, what it SHOULD do in the description and all temporary things(doesn't work now etc.) in the comments.

0.9.7stable* Fixed 2/2/2 auto searchAndy1538
0.9.6stable* Chat channels can now be set in each message * BugfixesAndy251
0.9.5stable* The LFG submenu is now editable as well. * The AUTO group scan feature got more flexible. You can now define the number of missing roles you are looking for (Good for none warbands). * Added help tooltips in more places.Andy188
0.9.1stable* A tooltip with needed roles is now shown when hovering the *LFM* button. * Line breaks in message labels are now done with not
anymore * Some smaller bug fixes
0.9.0stable0.9 - Updated as of 5/06/2022. * A full config UI was added. Messages can now be added and changed from withing the game. * Added AUTO looking for players search. It scans your warband and puts out a message with missing roles (healers, tanks, dps) * Messages are in different colors now * Reorderd the message labels to make them more intuitive to use * Some small adjustmentsAndy153
0.7.0stableAdded "Color Mode", to be able to chat colored all the time.Andy274
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Mon, 14 Nov 2022 13:55:52 +0000

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Please, delete AUTO-kick option
This is insanely JERK move, which is also violation of rule 1.1 btw
If leader wanna kick someone, then let he do that manually, using his brain and putting some effort in it.
But when you joining wb and getting autokicked with stupid PM - this is simply rude.